Prog360 Classroom Ankara, Turkey Yildizevler, Jose Marti Cd. No:2 Ankara Ankara Province Turkey 06550
Session Dates
26-Dec-2024 to 27-Dec-2024
About the Session
This program is about Negotiation Negotiation Skills is very important skill for any individual or collective to resolve points of difference during a business or personal conversation.
Refer: Wikipedia
Negotiation Skills Training and Certification involves the enhancement of convincing skills of an individual in order to craft better outcomes from their negotiation from customers, suppliers, colleagues or even personal relations.This course should be attended by the delegates who involve in negotiation on a daily basis in their professions or even at individual levels, often even considering it as negotiation.
Mode of Delivery : The event can be attended both online and at nearby Prog360 classroom by Individual Professionals and Corporate Employees as per seat availability. Please Contact Us at for checking the seat availability
Audience : We have a global audience that logs in to using their own computers to work hand in hand with our world-class instructors.
Assessment : Each training course will have Prog360 Assessment at the end, through Prog360 Assessment Portal.
Certification : After successful passing of Prog360 Assessment, Prog360 Certification will be provided, which has got acceptance in 52+ Countries.